# 일일코딩: Haming numbers

/* http://www.codewars.com/kata/526d84b98f428f14a60008da/train/javascript 235

0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 6 3 0 0 8 0 2 0 9 1 0 1 10 2 1 0 12 0 1 1 15

재귀함수. 루프를 도는데, 2곱해보고 비교, 3곱해보고 비교, 5곱해보고 비교해 작은것이 hamming(n-1)보다 작으면 return

*/ function hamming (n) { function recur(num) {

if(num==n) {
  return 0;

} recur(1); }

Test.expect(hamming(1)) //== 1, "hamming(1) should be 1"); Test.expect(hamming(2)) //== 2, "hamming(2) should be 2"); Test.expect(hamming(3)) //== 3, "hamming(3) should be 3"); Test.expect(hamming(4)) //== 4, "hamming(4) should be 4"); Test.expect(hamming(5)) //== 5, "hamming(5) should be 5"); Test.expect(hamming(6)) //== 6, "hamming(6) should be 6"); Test.expect(hamming(7)) //== 8, "hamming(7) should be 8"); Test.expect(hamming(8)) //== 9, "hamming(8) should be 9"); Test.expect(hamming(9)) //== 10, "hamming(9) should be 10"); Test.expect(hamming(10)) //== 12, "hamming(10) should be 12"); Test.expect(hamming(11)) //== 15, "hamming(11) should be 15"); Test.expect(hamming(12)) //== 16, "hamming(12) should be 16"); Test.expect(hamming(13)) //== 18, "hamming(13) should be 18"); Test.expect(hamming(14)) //== 20, "hamming(14) should be 20"); Test.expect(hamming(15)) //== 24, "hamming(15) should be 24"); Test.expect(hamming(16)) //== 25, "hamming(16) should be 25"); Test.expect(hamming(17)) //== 27, "hamming(17) should be 27"); Test.expect(hamming(18)) //== 30, "hamming(18) should be 30"); Test.expect(hamming(19))// == 32, "hamming(19) should be 32");